Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Videos Since Christmas

OK, so Blogger videos are acting up, so here are most of the major videos covering most of the important milestones in the month of January. To catch everyone up. Emily loves fridge magnets and dancing, playing "where's Emily Jane," throwing her toys, playing the Djimbe, learning how to walk and other cute things.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Walking Routines

EJ is now completely on cows milk. And her routine has changed. She punished us for this by waking up at all hours "starving." But she adapted and is sleeping better these days. She is also talking constantly. Most of her words are not a written language but she means them passionately. She like to point at something and ask, "A goog?" and then turn her palms upward and say, "A wahgoo yowahgoo, go baleebaloobga."
In the morning, Ryan get's her up (and sometimes she get's Ryan up). They hang out of a few minutes and the Ryan takes her to school. EJ eats breakfast at school with her fiends like Kieva, Lilly, Rory, Eric and Evey. She has more friends, but I don't know their names. Cindy picks her up in the afternoon and they play and sometimes take naps.
Saturday was a big day. Emily Jane took 5 steps. She has been standing on her own for several weeks and has been picking up things and squatting when she plays. But she is now a walker.
Tonight she finally decided that crawling was so 2009 and has embraced a new decade and a new routine. In all fairness, she walked for Cindy first and Cindy has a video of it on the good camera. Here's EJ walking to Daddy from the sony camera.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Try at Video

Here's Emily Jane playing with one of her new Christmas toys. Oh and a note to the family, Ryan downloaded all the Christmas and Birthday pictures, deleted them from the camera and now can't find them.
They will be found.
Just not tonight.
We've had problems uploading videos. But we'll try to get them all up this week.
Oh, and yes, the floor really is that dirty.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Yes it has been too long between posts. We've had Thanksgiving in Charleston, Christmas in Arkansas, Christmas in Decatur, Christmas in Charleston, New Years in Atlanta... We've also weathered several respiratory infections and what we think was a bout of ye ol' h1n1 - if the symptoms fit...
Emily Jane has had an explosion of new things - throwing tantrums, slapping away food, making more teeth, and waking up hungry in the middle of the night! Cindy says she's grown over the past two weeks.
EJ has also gone through over 2000 diapers and is talking our heads off. We don't know what she's saying. But whatever it is, it is important to her.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Emily Jane Turns 11 Months

Emily Jane has four teeth. Today she's calling everything and everyone "Bob." EJ turned 11 months old on Friday. She pulls up and like to play standing up. She has begun cruising along furniture and a few times has been standing by herself on accident. She enjoys talking on the phone and trying to catch falling water.
Last week EJ had the croup, which was very scary. Her dad has been sick with a chest cold and will be seeking professional medical advice on Monday. EJ's mom's begun fighting it off as well.
We'll be heading Wednesday to Charleston and taking an early Christmas in Arkansas. EJ is looking forward to quality time with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Princess Leia

A few days ago, In a galaxy far, far away, it is a period of Halloween civil disobedience. Rebel dachshunds have digging a hidden hole strike terror in the trunk or treat fall festival participants.

During the ensuing chaos, dachshunds were able to escape with the secret plans of a chocolatier and the recipe for punchbowl cake.

Pursued by day care workers, Princess Leia races home on all fours to save her dachshunds and restore freedom to the nursery.

Sunday, October 18, 2009